《物联网技术》杂志是一本经国家新闻出版总署批准的物联网专业科技期刊。国内统一连续出版物号:CN61-1483/TP,杂志现为半月刊,每月5日、20日出版。本刊已入选《CACI应用型权威期刊》《RCCSE 中国准核心学术期刊(B+)》《信息通信领域国内高质量科技期刊分级目录》T2级,并被《中国核心期刊(遴选)数据库》《中国学术期刊网络出版总库》《中文科技期刊数据库》《龙源国际期刊网》《学术中国-知识产权服务平台》全文收录。




Brief Introduction of Internet of Things Technologies

Internet of Things Technologies is a technical journal in Internet of Things (IOT) domain, which was ratified by General Administration of Press and Publication. Its China Standard Serial Numbering (CSSN) is CN 61-1483/TP, International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is ISSN 2095-1302, and Post Distribution Code is 52-253. The journal is published on 20th monthly. It is a Journal cited by Chinese Core Journals (Selection) Database, China Academic Journals Full-text Database,  Chinese Science and Technology Periodical Database, Longyuan International Journal Net and Chinese Science Paper Online .

Its Major Columns: special interview, ICT broad view, special-subject introduction, leading figure, academic research, scheme case, new product exhibition, enterprise yellow page, knowledge lecture, etc.

Its issuance objects: government agency; scientific research institutions; decision-making, product design and research personnel in large-scale enterprises; high-tech personnel in all categories of troops; college teachers and students; electronics amateurs

Lots of government leaders in charge, professional experts, leading enterprises are gathered together in the editorial committee of Internet of Things Technologies which also has cooperated relation with competent authorities, IOT  industry alliances and associations anywhere in China. The journal takes the paper media and network as its  propagation means to introduce IOT, which has been promoted as a concept of national development strategy, to all the readers with the forms of plain language and case publicity, so as to lay a foundation for IOT popularization and application. We will devote ourselves to collection and propagation of the recent development trend of IOT technology at home and abroad, and generalization of the new technologies, new products, new schemes and new application in IOT industry, and bend ourselves to building an interactive platform for IOT industry development to promote the innovation, exchange and prosperity of IOT technology.

In order to collect more extensive information, promote new technologies and application schemes, and report the up to date research direction, you are welcome to announce your view point about the IOT industry policy, market trend, industry analysis and solution, and send the papers about your latest academic research achievements for discussion with the relevant experts in your subject.

  工业和信息化部信息化推进司         上海云海产业联盟
工业和信息化部国际经济技术合作中心   天津市物联网产业联盟
 中国国际贸易促进委员会电子信息行业分会   重庆市物联网产业发展联盟
中国电子学会物联网专家委员会   广州物联网产业技术创新联盟
中国RFID产业联盟   成都物联网产业发展联盟
中国智慧城市规划建设推进联盟   武汉· 中国光谷物联网产业技术创新联盟
 中国物联网应用与推进联盟   杭州市物联网行业协会
中国嵌入式系统产业协会   南京市物联网产业联盟
中华物联网联盟   青岛市物联网协会
TD产业协会 国际RFID 联盟   北京汽车物联网产业联盟
陕西省工业和信息化厅信息化推进处   广东省佛山市物联网与无线城市产业联盟
陕西省商务厅   上海市浦东新区物联网协会
 陕西省物联网实验研究中心   北京大学微电子学研究院
陕西物联网产业联盟   南京邮电大学物联网与传感网研究院
江苏传感(物联)网产业联盟   西安交通大学
河南省物联网产业联盟   西安电子科技大学
浙江省物联网产业技术创新联盟   西北大学
中关村物联网产业联盟   西安邮电学院物联网与两化融合研究院
址:西安市金花北路176号科研楼六层 陕西电子杂志社( 邮编:710032)
话:029-83648167 029-85241792   真:029-85241792
址:www.iotmag.com  箱:news@iotmag.com
联系人:王 欢